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Argentina Soybean Meal

Soybean meal is a by-product obtained from soybean oil extraction, which is subsequently deactivated (thus eliminating anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitors) and finished by grinding. The result is a protein-rich material with a caramel brown color. Soybean meal is the most important source of protein for livestock on farms. It contains up to 30 - 50% crude protein content. It divides into two main categories, one is "high protein" soybean meal, which contains 47-49% protein and 3% crude fiber, extracted from shelled seeds, and the other is "regular" soybean meal, which contains 43-44% protein, which contains the hull. 


Soybean meal is delivered in bulk form to clients. About 85% of soybean meal is used for poultry and pig feeding, and the amino acids contained in soybean meal are suitable for the nutritional needs of poultry and pigs. Due to its protein content in the diet and good digestibility, it applied as an ingredient in balanced food formulations for animals.


The experimental results showed that the amino acids contained in soybean meal alone were sufficient to balance the nutrition of poultry and pigs without the addition of animal protein, thus promoting the nutrient absorption of livestock. Soybean meal is used to the maximum extent in poultry and pig rearing.

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